Proper turning when skiing
Excellence in turning quickly is essential to downhill skiing, especially for alpine skiing involving slaloms. The steps for a turn must be executed in precise sequence. Bend from the ankles and drop into a slightly crouched position. One has to put the weight on the uphill edge of a downhill ski. Plant the downhill pole. Spring gently forward and up, easing ones weight off the skis.
The leverage on the tips, if timed correctly, should take one down the fall line. Transferring the weight to the outside of the ski and putting weight on the inside edge helps in turning. Allowing the inside ski that is uphill to get a little ahead through the turn and pressing the knees forward and sideways into the slope. Keep the face downhill to maintain balance and keeping ones weight on the downhill ski are further steps to stop. Allow an increase in the bite of the uphill edges until one has finished the turn.
Proper balance is maintained throughout the turn. Much like a cyclist leaning to the inside of a turn to avoid being thrown off of his bicycle, a skier leans into the turn to maintain balance as well. Beginners to the sport are often hesitant to do this, as they feel that such an action will cause them to fall. They must be taught to overcome this hesitation. While it may not feel natural at first, this is something that becomes second nature to an experienced skier. Tuning is essential for skiers who are taking part in skiing competitions.